Monday, 25 November 2013


Last week, when I was in our local shopping centre, I popped in to have a look around a new shop/gallery which opened about six weeks ago.

It turned out to be a the pART Project, run by our local arts forum, to provide the opportunity for local artists - of all types and genres -  to showcase their work.

The two people running the shop suggested I use it to do a book promotion/signing for my new book (they'd read about the book, and me, in the paper a couple of weeks before - result of the press release I sent out - proves it's worth the effort!). To be honest, I hadn't thought much about doing a book signing. Or rather, I've been thinking about it but not done anything.

I know that they are usually done in bookshops, but I think this venue will be perfect. It's quite small, so people will notice me - hopefully - and there are other things around to take peoples' interest. The place and the people are relaxed and friendly, and it's a comfortable place to be. And whereas before, I'd been thinking "Not particularly looking forward to book signing but know I ought to do it because it's getting my book and me out there" now I'm actually looking forward to the event.

After checking out various writers' advice and tips about doing book signings, I've come up with a Book Signing To Do List, which is on the Tips & Advice page

I've designed and am having printed some bookmarks and posters and have ordered some "Signed by Author" stickers. The sites I used are:

Centreprint online   I went here to design my own, custom made, bookmarks. Pretty easy. Free postage. A couple of days after I sent order, I received a "proof" - after I'd confirmed by reply of email that I was happy with the bookmark design, they went ahead with printing. Based in Wolverhampton, they're a family business. Cost: £42 for 100 bookmarks
Zazzle  This is where I bought my "Signed by Author" stickers. There are masses of different designs, and you can alter or add any word or words that you want. Cost: £6.97 (4.20 + 2.77 postage) for sheet of 20 stickers 1 1/2" (about 6.5cms) diameter
green2red  I designed and ordered two posters (A2 size - 420mm x 594mm) from this site. Very easy to use. You can choose your own background colour (as you could with the bookmarks), font and font size, upload images, and all as simple as anything to move around, add, delete and generally mess around with until you've created the perfect poster.  Cost: 2 posters £7.88 (3.94 each) + delivery £6.95 + VAT £2.97 = £17.80

If you live in the Sittingbourne area, you're very welcome to come along to the book signing of my book Dependence on Friday 6th December, from 10am until 2am, at the pART Project, The Forum, Sittingbourne. I'll be happy to chat and to answer any questions about the book.

For anyone living in Kent, the pART Project is at Unit 16, The Forum Shopping Centre in SittingbourneIt's run by the Swale Arts Forum in collaboration with Litter Angels and the Sittingbourne Retail Association. Besides offering the space for local artists to exhibit and sell their works, it also offers an events space for individual exhibitions, talks, demonstrations or film show. Find it on Facebook at

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