Sunday, 1 December 2013


My book, Dependence comes out in paperback today! I've been working towards this day since the beginning of April when I first emailed Matador for a copy of their Guide to Self-publishing.

What a lot's happened since then. Signing contracts. Sending my ms out into the big, wide, world (all those words that took so long to write, and all my characters who have become so real - suddenly, I felt protective and vulnerable). Getting it copy edited. Writing blurbs and bios and book descriptions for my book and my Author's Page on the Matador website. Sorting out cover images. Creating a blogsite (a lot of cussing and swearing until I got the hang of it!) Designing posters, leaflets, bookmarks, more posters. Distributing them. Distributing Advance Information sheets to bookshops and libraries and anywhere that would take them. Compiling Press Releases. Putting my book up as a giveaway on Goodreads. Uploading an excerpt to Book Goodies. Arranging a book signing...

There were days when I detested all the marketing and book promotion and just yearned to get back to my next book and write.

But it's worth it. All the painstaking trawling through sites to find "how-to" advice; all the googling, and searching, and letting the world - or a bit of it - know that my book exists and what it's about and where it can be found. It really is worth all the effort, and time, and patience - and if you're working on the marketing side of things for your book, don't lose heart, because you will eventually see results for all your hard work.

You can read about my journey to publication here

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